Thursday, May 13, 2010

Joy of a Morning Run

There really is nothing comparable to the joy I feel during a run in the early morning.

At an early hour, there is very little traffic on the streets of my village, so I don't have to be so concerned about safety. At an early hour, I can run for miles outside and still enjoy the solitude of exercising my body by myself. In the quiet of the early morning I can listen to the sound of my shoes on the pavement, the sound of my breathing, and sometimes even the beat of my heart.

During the winter months an early morning run means I run in darkness. Although it seems like a contradiction, the darkness heightens my awareness of everything around me. Sounds are sharper, the air is crisper, and the pavement somehow seems more unforgiving than usual. I feel full of energy and I'm ready for anything to happen--and it sometimes feels as though something will happen.

But these days the sun breaks the horizon well before 6 am, and I am often watching it rise as I run. The combination of the sun's first light and the energy that comes from running fills me with exhilaration. It's incredibly uplifting, and I'm grateful for the experience.

There is joy to be felt during an early morning run. One of these days I'm going to describe it well.

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